Hello! My name is Fere Zohari, and I am a passionate graphic designer and photographer with expertise in various design tools and software. I am proficient in Figma and Adobe Suites, including InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Acrobat, and XD. For me, graphic design is not just a profession but a creative problem-solving process. I find joy in conveying messages through illustrations, photography, layout design, and photo editing. In addition, I thoroughly enjoy the process of editing videos and creating captivating motion graphics, animations, and kinetic typography. As a self-driven and team-oriented individual, I have gained valuable experience in the corporate world. If you'd like to see my skills in action, you can check out my short promo, linked below. I am excited to collaborate with you and learn more about your project or business. Let's create something amazing together!